How to Make a Plot Board for Your Novel

The one tool that changed the way I write.

Shaunta Grimes


A plot board is deceptively simple. It packs way more of a punch in your writing than you would expect from a piece of tri-fold cardboard and some sticky notes.

I learned about this tool from the amazing Alexandra Sokoloff, but plotting is obviously something that many writers do in many ways. I don’t plot in exactly the same way as Alexandra does, and once you get the hang of this, you’ll develop your own style.

This is the way that’s worked for me.

One of my plot boards, ready to fill.

To make your plot board you’ll need:

A tri-fold cardboard.

Think science fair project. The size I like the best is 28 inches by 40 inches. Anything smaller than that might be too small and larger is hard to manage.

It’s come to my attention that a tri-fold board isn’t as common everywhere as it is in the US. Any flat surface you can attach notes to will work. White boards, cardboard, even just a window or a wall.

A Sharpie.



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