Goal Setting: The Big 6

New Year’s Prep: Post 4

Shaunta Grimes


Photo by Clark Tibbs on Unsplash

For whatever reason, my particular set of personality quirks and life circumstances have combined to make me love to a good list of goals.

I love making the list. I love planning how I’m going to achieve the list. I love setting up systems to help me follow through on those plans. I love daydreaming about how awesome it will be when I achieve those goals.

And, generally, that’s where it ends. As soon as I have everything all set up, I lose interest. Forget February. Usually by mid-January I’ve stopped even thinking about my resolutions.

What I do Instead

Instead of making a giant list of unreasonable goals (Lose weight! Become a bestseller! Buy a house! And on. And on.) that no human being could achieve in a year, I came up with my Big 6.

Six goals. Each one had to be something I could reasonably expect to achieve in a year. Each one had to be a SMART goal (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and timely.) I choose five areas of my life and picke one goal for each, then one big year-long project goal.

My life areas for 2018 were Home, Health, Work, Family, and Education. My Big 6 goals were: to completely declutter my house, to maintain my weight, to finish writing a novel other than the one I…

